News — reminder

Uploaded a whole bunch of products to Facebook

Posted by Aishah Alian on

Uploaded a whole bunch of products to Facebook

Today we uploaded 200+ items to our Facebook page. We are in the process of uploading them with added descriptions and detailed photos to this online shop. Stay tuned, kitties! Thank you so much for doing business with us. Stay home. Stay safe. Stay happy. Stay curious.

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Support small businesses and virtual vendor rooms

Posted by Duston Barto on

Support small businesses and virtual vendor rooms

There are a lot of vendors losing their livelihoods over the massive wave of convention cancellations. If you were planning to go to a convention but find that it is cancelled, please browse the vendors listed in this post as a virtual dealer's room. You can still feed your fandom! We hope to see everyone at Animazement in May. If the worst happens, we're located in NC so you can probably see us at another event or just order online. Stay Curious, kitties! And wash your dang paws!

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