News — throwback
Movie Review: ET: The Extra-Terrestrial
Posted by Aishah Alian on

ET: The Extra Terrestrial and the blu-ray from Netflix had a lot of interviews and special features that told a lot about how the film was produced. I remember seeing it several times in the theater in the early 1980s. I saw it in the initial run with my parents, but during the summer camp film series, ET was featured for several years. Then I saw it on TV a couple of times in the 1990s. I think it's safe to say that I haven't seen it for more than 20 years. I had forgotten quite a few of the...
- Tags: blog, ET, kitty in the box, movie, post, review, Steven Spielberg, throwback
Anime Review: Missing Hiromi Tsuru for nearly two years.
Posted by Aishah Alian on

Throwback post from our Facebook page in 2018. Tomorrow's episode of Dragon Ball Super episode 128 will feature the final recording of Hiromi Tsuru as Bulma. As we all mourned the death of our beloved voice actress Hiromi Tsuru three months ago; this final appearance of Bulma is bittersweet. In this article, the official statement from Toei Animation via the Official Dragon Ball Super social media accounts, Aya Hisakawa has been confirmed as the new voice for Bulma in future movies and Dragon Ball series. Aya Hisakawa is well known among the Anime community as Sailor Mercury and Kero from...
- Tags: 2018, anime, blog, Dragon Ball Super, facebook, Hiromi Tsuru, kitty in the box, post, reminder, review, throwback
Kitty in the Box website is more than a year old!
Posted by Aishah Alian on

Throwback post from our Facebook page dated January 9, 2019. Good evening boys and girls, kitties of all ages, we are pleased to present our new website.Please visit us now at http://www.kitty-box.comShare with your friends, family, and fellow Otakus.We are still adding products and enhancing the web site experience but the page is live and we are accepting orders.We have also partnered with carefully vetted suppliers to offer more products than we are currently capable of the stocking.
- Tags: announcement, blog, facebook, kitty in the box, news, one year old, online shopping, online store, post, PSA, reminder, shopping, small business, store news, support, throwback, update